KSQM Events

Date Title Info
10.10.2024 Navigating Academia Abroad: Career path for foreign scientists Registration: here
01-03.07.2024 KSQM Retreat 2024 Registraion: here
06.05.2024 Diversity Event "Women in Science" with Prof. Stefanie Dehnen Registraion: here
10.04.2024 Excursion to IBM Research Lab in Zurich Registration: here

KSQM Diversity Event over lunch - "Women in Science"

Registration : here

KSQM Network-Exchange with Industry: Meeting alumini from the field of Quantum Physics

Registration: here
17-22.09.2023 KSQM Summer School 2023 Venue: Dorint Hotel Durbach/Schwarzwald; Registration: here
14.07.2023 KSQM Summer Get-Together-Party

In front of physics tower, CS: Reigstration: here

26-28.06.2023 KSQM Retreat Meeting 2023

Venue: Jugendstilhotel Trifels; registration not intended and program coming soon

10.05.2023 Woman in Science Room 104/105, Builing 30.25
10-21.10.2022 KSQM Summer School 2022 Already taken place
27-29.09.2022 KSQM Retreat Meeting 2022 Already taken place
15.07.2022 KSQM Summer Get-Together-Party Already taken place


KSQM Summer Get-Together-Party

In order to bring all KSQM members together, we will have a KSQM Summer Party on July 15th from 15:00 till 19:00, in front of the Physics tower, Building 30.23 (CS).

If you are a KSQM member, or a PI of KSQM member, or a doctorate who wants to join KSQM, you are invited to join us. Here you will get to know the whole community and of course more about KSQM! We are looking forward to seeing you!

Salad buffet, fresh drinks and barbecue will be served.

Please sign up here if you can come (you need to sign into your Ilias account first) .


KSQM Retreat Meeting, Sept 27th - 29th 2022

The annual KSQM Retreat Meeting will be held in Haus Saron this year. All costs for KSQM members will be covered by the school. Please get registered here.




KSQM Summer School

KSQM offers financial support for a limited number of summer school participants.