As an early career researcher, it is important to build connections/networks with fellow PhD students and peers in the field. KSQM offers the perfect opportunity for this. I immensely benefitted from the training, workshops, retreat meetings and summer schools organized by the KSQM.




- Anonymous

In my opinion, there are many reasons to join the KSQM. Most importantly, it provides a great opportunity to meet other PhD students, present your own work in a safe environment, learn about their topics, and broaden your knowledge in the field. In addition, we regularly have events such as alumni meetings, industry presentations or even an excursion to IBM, which provide a valuable insight into career options. A wide range of soft skills, tailored to our needs, can improve our presentation, writing and communication skills. Overall, the KSQM retreats and summer schools are among my favorite business trips.
- Fabian Henßler
I really enjoyed the activities offered by the KSQM school. Normally within your PhD you only meet the people from your group and institute, but KSQM really broadened this: you meet people from the whole university that are studying quantum matter and that are in a similar position as you. You also receive invaluable courses and workshops on a variety of topics that can be very difficult to learn by yourself. The soft skills part I found especially useful, given how rarely this skills are taught within typical university programs.
- Anonymous
I think that becoming a member of the KSQM is a great opportunity to get in touch and network with your fellow PhD students at KIT in the field of quantum matter. As the KSQM organizes a wide range of events and workshops, it enables you to learn new things that will be helpful in your future scientific and non-scientific career. In particular, I would like to mention the KSQM retreat and the summer school, which are fun to attend, leave a lot of time for social activities with other PhD students, and promote the scientific exchange in the broad field of quantum matter.

Overall I feel that the extra time spent of students working with me for KSQM events was worth it. One always has to walk a fine balance here as time spent on these events are not available for what ultimately matters most, to obtain first-rate research results. By and large I feel that the KSQM team does an excellent job here. I can see that young researchers in my group improved in their ability to present their work, both in writing papers and presenting results in talks and posters. These are important amplifiers of their career and of the research results of our group. Thanks also to the professional work done by Yu Goldscheider. She makes a real difference in how this school operates.

- Prof. Jörg Schmalian

KSQM is an excellent platform for early career researchers to have a look into other quantum systems and learn from each other. As a PI, I in particular value the retreats and the workshops which are excellent opportunities to lean new skills. This helped members of my group to advance their skillset and gain a deeper understanding in quantum science.

- Prof. Philip Willke

It's a great platform to connect with like minded people. Be it a retreat, workshop or summer school: I can only recommend this school to newcomers. I have learned a lot and had a quality time with great fellow members of the community.

- Anonymous






The KSQM autumn school was a great opportunity to discuss and share our research with PhD students from various backgrounds and locations. It was also interesting to learn about other quantum technology fields.

- Prof. Ioan Pop





© Andris

KSQM is a great place for doctoral students to train their soft and hard skills. I think the best part was the fact that one could suggest topics for trainings and they were always taken into account. Not only that, it provides ample opportunities to network with like-minded people. I would not have met the people whom I can call my friends today, had it not been for KSQM events. I truly recommend joining the graduate school during your PhD!

- Anonymous

The KSQM has organised and provided access to numerous workshops in order to develop so-called soft skills which not only help to create a more well-rounded set of abilities necessary for a successful PhD but are also neccessary beyond our studies. The Summer schools and retreats then provide a focus more specifically on science which is a great opportunity to not only learn about our own field but also the fields of other members. These events also cultivate strong social links between members making the KSQM a very enjoyable place to be!

- Anonymous

"I find KSQM graduate school a great opportunity to benefit from during my doctoral studies at KIT. The school provides a comprehensive training program that touches all aspects, from scientific ones to personal development. Being part of this interdisciplinary school helps me as well get in touch with other Ph.D. fellows and be part of a dynamic environment with a lot of scientific exchange. This allows me to get an overview of the quantum science and condensed matter fields, going from theory to experiment and technology, which is very exciting in my opinion."

-Hossam Tohamy

© Andris

"The KSQM is the perfect way to get in touch with other Ph.D. students that work in the field of quantum matter, especially if you are just starting your program. A lot of useful and enjoyable networking can be done in an immensely welcoming environment that, besides hardskill-knowledge acquisition, also provides several opportunities to educate yourself on the level of softskills such as public speeking. It would advise anybody pursuing a Ph.D. in the field of quantum matter to join and benefit from the vast range of advantages!"

- Konrad Scharff

"In my experience, KSQM is a great opportunity to get to know fellow PhD students working on similar projects. You get access to many workshops and the yearly retreat meeting, where you can present your projects to other members.KSQM has a broad spectrum of opportunities for interested and motivated PhD students in the quantum technology research groupes. You can take part in soft skill coaching, take part in yearly retreats, present your research, network, and now even write your own research proposal to get funding!"

-Andras Di Giovanni






Great effort to concentrate the quantum effort in Karlsruhe.

- Anonymous