Diversity concept
The Graduate School actively promotes diversity and gender equality in its committees, organization, mentoring, and events.

KSQM diversity concept focuses in particular on three aims: (I) increase the share of female and international doctoral researchers, (II) promote the compatibility of family and work and (III) support diversity competences.
In order to achieve these aims, the following measures are implemented:
- Woman-in-science network of the Graduate School is created by organizing woman-in-science events where female PIs and Postdocs of the involved research groups will be engaged as role models to interact with and to provide guidance to female doctoral researchers. This local network of the School will be linked to the wider network WiKIT.
- Family-friendly atmosphere is promoted supporting compatibility of family and work, for example, by ensuring that the timing of meetings and events is family-friendly.
- Child care is provided and financed by the Graduate School during events like retreat meetings and summer schools.
- Home-office: finances are provided for equipment to enable parents among doctoral researchers to work from home.
- Recruiting activities of female students and female doctoral researchers are supported by advertising the benefits and equal opportunity measures of the Graduate School.
- Advice: in case of diversity conflicts at the workplace or child-care emergencies the Graduate School acts as a contact point with knowledge about available professional KIT services.
- Awareness of gender issues is promoted via the mentoring systems and during retreat meetings, e.g., via specialized courses. In particular, the Graduate School organizes courses with the help of PEBA for PIs and Postdocs in order to educate about unconscious bias. In addition, the online course of PEBA on gender competences is compulsory for all members. Gender-sensitive language is used in communication as well as on the School's website.
Two following equal-opportunity officers coordinate the correspondance and they are part of the Steering Committee of the Graduate School:

TT.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yolita Eggeler
Microscopy of Nanoscale Structures & Mechanisms (MNM)
Office: 215, CS 30.25
Tel.: +49 721 608 - 4 3724
Email: yolita.eggeler@kit edu

TT. Prof. Dr. Philip Willke
Physikalisches Institut
Office: 2.06, CS 30.23
Tel: +49 721 608-43512
Email: philip.willke@kit edu