Welcome to KSQM
Quantum matter comprises systems with prevailing quantum phenomena. Inventions and innovations involving quantum matter will eventually result in the development of a quantum technology – the allegedly disruptive key technology of the 21st century. Research on quantum matter flourishes worldwide. It encompasses a large variety of concepts and phenomena which challenge our basic understanding of condensed matter, and, at the same time, it paves the way towards the development of future quantum technologies.
In order to complement this flurry of research activities as well as to coordinate the doctoral training of young scientists at the KIT, Graduate School of Quantum Matter (KSQM) was founded in 2021 within the framework of the “Excellent University” funding program. It is embedded in the KIT Center Materials in Technical and Life Sciences (MaTeLiS). The School particularly addresses the needs of doctoral researchers in the Focus Field "Quantum Materials for Quantum Technologies".
Quantum Technologies were identified to be a research focus in the Excellence Strategy concept of the KIT “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association | Living the Change”. The aim of KSQM is to reflect this research focus in the educational efforts at KIT and to prepare students and doctoral researchers for the quantum revolution. It is an incubator for the next generation of researchers as well as industrial actors in quantum technology and, more generally, in the field of quantum matter.
KSQM receives funding from CRC/TRR288 Elastic Tuning and Response of Electronic Quantum Phases of Matter (2020-2024) that includes 8 principal investigators from KIT, EU-funded research network Hydrotronics (2019-2023) that concentrates on quantum transport in ultrapure materials, and Helmholtz research field Information POF4 (2021-2027), for which KSQM provides excellent and interdisciplinary qualification training for doctoral researchers.

Dr. Yu Goldscheider
Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics (TFP)
Office: Room 11.03, CS 30.23
Tel: 0721 608-46030
Email: ksqm ∂does-not-exist.kit edu