Training Program

The qualification concept "Learning" concerns the training and promoting of hard and soft scientific skills as well as transferable skills.
Training program
Training program

During the doctoral research, an overspecialization within a narrow sub-discipline needs to be avoided. KSQM thus aims to compensate such a development and broaden the scientific hard skills (M1) of its members. In addition, the promotion of scientific soft skills (M2) is supported including scientific communication, discussion and writing skills. With the help of the KHYS infrastructure, KSQM also encourages the evelopment of transferable skills (M3), e.g., on "Time and self -management" and "Conflict and stress management", as well as career management.

In order to receive a certificate of the Graduate School at the end of their studies, the doctoral researchers must attend at least five module elements covering all three modules (M1, M2, M3). In addition, the Workshop "Good Scientific Practice", at least one lecture from M1, annual retreats and KSQM summer schools are mandatory.

For M1 a certificate of successful participation (Schein) from the lecturer should be provided. If you can't take any hard skills lectures out of very good reasons, you can take other forms of lectures or paricipate in a summer school which counts as M1 element.

Please keep in mind that all costs of the trainings will be covered by KSQM and the places are limited, therefore you are obliged to show up in the workshops you have registered for, except that you can't for health reasons. If you can't attend for other reasons, be sure to sign off in time (normally ca. 7 days before the workshop).