KSQM Calendar


Social Media - Communicating Science Online

Tuesday, 04 June 2024, 9:00-17:00
Room 104/105, CFN- Building 30.25

The change in the media landscape in recent years offers great opportunities for scientists to participate in public debates about science and to actively communicate their own topics and interests beyond academia. Blogs and social media are ideal channels for this.
How can you benefit from the active use of social media and what rules should you follow when communicating online? How can you strengthen your own profile online? The interactive seminar „Communicating Science Online“ uses practical exercises to give you an introduction to science communication online and provides practical tips and tricks on how to use relevant social media sensibly.
Thematic focal points of the seminar are:
• The new media landscape and the consequences for science communication.
• X (Twitter), ResearchGate, LinkedIn – social networks and their benefits
• Your digital profile and how to influence it
• Planning your own online communication strategy
• Tips and tricks for successful communication online
• Dealing with hostility on Social Media


Dr. Tobias Maier is a science communication professional with a PhD in biochemistry and a ten-year track record in academic research. He joined NaWik in 2015 and is the head for seminars and training. Tobias has extensive experience in giving workshops and seminars for scientists, both on site and online. For NaWik, he gives seminars on the basics of science communication, on social media and on science communication strategies for grant proposals.

Costs/ Payment
For its members, KSQM covers the costs that incur for holding this event.
Dr. Tobias Maier

Yu Goldscheider
Mail: ksqm does-not-exist.kit edu
Young Scientists